Submit Tax Return

National Revenue Agency (NRA) The NRA administers taxes and social security contributions in Bulgaria. Personal identification code (PIC) Individuals who want to access NRA services online would need to obtain a personal...

Access healthcare in Bulgaria

Introduction to Healthcare in Bulgaria If you are planning to live in Bulgaria, be prepared for a different healthcare system compared to the one in your home country. Access to medical care...

Find jobs in Bulgaria

If you want to get a job in Bulgaria but are not sure how then you are in the right place. Show energy and commitment during the recruitment process and get yourself...

Move to Bulgaria from the UK

Since the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union, there has been a level of uncertainty among people wondering how to move to Bulgaria from the UK. Here is how you...

Register a car

1. Environmental tax and 3rd party insurance It would be advisable that you visit the Traffic police station the day before the day of registration to familiarise yourself with the location. Close...

Buy a property in Bulgaria

Start your property search Prepare for the search by asking yourself all the important questions: How much can you afford to spend? Where do you wish to buy it? What do you...